[국제]U.S. Perservance landing on Mars…

Perseverance, send the first picture
‘Seven Minutes of Horror’ pass well and land safely
Landing on’Crater as an example’ with expectation of creature traces


The fifth U.S. Mars rover,’Personality’, has successfully landed on Mars.

Perseverance is tasked with finding traces of life on Mars.

Reporter Kim Jin-ho.


Scientists from the NASA and NASA cheer together when the confirmation of Perservance’s landing on Mars.

[지아-푸이 쿡 / NASA 제트추진연구소 홍보담당 : 우리는 이제 화성에 지금까지 가장 야심찬 탐사선을 확보했습니다. 축하합니다.]

The first photo sent by Perseverance reveals the desolate Mars surface, as well as the shadow of the rover.

Perseverance, which means patience in Korean, was launched on July 30 last year and has flown 471 million kilometers.

Because the landing process is so complex and sophisticated that it is said to dry the blood, NASA calls this process the’seven minutes of fear’.

After going through the difficult process, the place where the Perseverance landed was’Craters as an example.

It is estimated to be the delta where the river flowed from 3 to 4 billion years ago, and it is expected that traces of organic molecules and other microorganisms can be found.

Perseverance collects soil and rock samples, puts them in dozens of titanium tubes, and stores them in a promised place on Mars.

These samples will be collected by another rover that will be launched later, delivered to another spacecraft, and sent to Earth in 2031.

[S 스티브 주르직 / NASA 책임자 : 이 임무는 그 자체로 놀랍습니다. 과학, 기술 그리고 샘플을 가져오는 것이지만 더 큰 탐험 계획의 일부이기도 합니다.]

Perseverance also prepares for a manned expedition to Mars.

The United States is planning a manned expedition to Mars in the 2030s.

President Biden called the head of NASA to encourage him and will soon meet with officials to congratulate.

French President Macron, who participated in the project, also showed joy when he watched the landing scene.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
