[국제]U.S. new federal parliament launched…the first test bench for presidential election certification


The 117th Congress of the United States was launched to oversee legislation and check the executive branch over the next two years.

The certification of the president-elect Joe Biden’s victory at the Senate-Household joint meeting on the 6th will be the first test.

This is a report from Washington correspondent Taewook Kang.


The 117th House of Representatives of the United States was anchored.

[세릴 존슨 / 미국 하원 서기장 : 미국 수정 헌법 20조에 따라, 제117대 미국 의회의 회의를 위해 하원은 절차에 들어갈 것입니다.]

In the past 116 generations, the Democratic Party’s advantage over 30 seats has decreased to around 10 seats.

The Senate was also launched.

So far, the Republicans dominate with 50 to 48 seats.

Two Georgia seats in the final ballot will determine the majority party status.

[미치 매코널 / 美 상원 공화당 원내대표 : 제117대 의회가 어려운 시기에 소집된다고 말하는 것은 실로 절제된 표현일 것입니다. 정치적 분열에서 치명적인 대유행 병, 전 세계의 적들에 이르기까지 우리 앞에 놓인 장애물은 많고 그것들은 심각합니다.]

The first test bench of the new council is certified for the presidential election on the 6th.

Some Republican lawmakers are advocating open opposition to Joe Biden’s victory.

When one or more members of the Senate and House of Representatives raise an objection, it is debated and decided by a majority vote whether or not electoral votes in a particular state should be excluded from certification.

However, the popular opinion is that the Democratic Party is the majority of the House of Representatives and most of the Republicans oppose it, so it is unlikely that the objection will pass.

The 117th Congress, which was launched, has greatly increased the number of socially underprivileged such as women and ethnic minorities, with the Republican Party producing 35 female congressmen.

In addition, four Korean congressmen, the largest number of members of the House of Representatives in history, are expected to improve relations between Korea and the United States and increase Korean rights

YTN Taewook Kang in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
