[국제]U.S. kills 30 people in the worst cold wave

45 US states covered by snow… 3/4 area of ​​the mainland
CNN “Snow Falls in the Largest Area Since 2003”
The lowest temperature record breaks in over 2,000 places in the US
About 30 dead… Millions of Homes Outage


The United States is suffering from the worst cold wave.

In addition to casualties, massive power outages and petroleum and refined oil production have been interrupted.

This is Kim Jeong-hoe.


The entire city has become a huge parking lot.

Roads and houses were buried in the endless snow.

Even the snow on one side is the height of an adult’s waist.

Three-quarters of the American mainland was covered with snow due to the extreme cold in the Arctic, driven by a winter storm.

CNN says it has snowed in the widest area since 2003.

Snow is also snow, but the coldest of all time continues.

The worst cold wave hit several places, including -41 degrees below zero for Yuma in Colorado and 31 degrees below zero in Norton, Kansas, breaking the record for the lowest temperature in over 2,000 places in the United States.

The number of casualties and blackouts is also increasing.

Within a week, the number of deaths soared, and power generation facilities were shut down in the cold and 5.5 million households in 18 states lost electricity.

[정전 피해 지역 주민 : 와이파이도 인터넷도, 어떤 것도 없지만 모두 식사는 해야죠. 캠핑용 스토브에 올려놓고 최대한 안전하게 조리하려고 합니다.]

[실베스터 터너 / 휴스턴 시장 : 오늘 중으로 약 40만 가구의 전력이 복구될 겁니다. 상황이 상당히 나아질 겁니다.]

However, there are still many places with power outages, and a large number of oil refineries shut down amidst severe cold, and production of 4 million to 5 million barrels of petroleum and refined oil a day has been stopped, causing a major disruption in the energy industry, Reuters reported.

Seven states, including Texas, have declared a state of emergency.

President Biden pledged active federal support.

The worst cold wave that has led to a disruption in the vaccine vaccination of Corona 19, shutting down factories and stopping flights

Some scholars are predicting that the damage caused by this cold wave will amount to KRW 1 trillion in Korean money.

This is YTN Kim Jeong-hoe.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
