[국제]U.S. can’t believe in WHO investigation


When a team of experts from the World Health Organization announced that Wuhan may not be the source of Corona 19, the United States responded that it would not be believed.

However, China said it was the turn of the United States, and immediately responded to it.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


The White House drew a line saying that the United States was not involved in the investigation by the WHO team of experts on their visit to Wuhan.

Since we have raised concerns about the transparency of our investigation from the outset, we can only judge by looking at the report.

[젠 사키 / 미국 백악관 대변인 : 우리는 이번 조사의 진행에 직접 관여하지 않았습니다. 거듭 말씀드리지만 조사 결과를 자세히 검토해 볼 수 있기를 기대하고 있습니다.]

The U.S. Department of State also said that if a team of experts publishes the report, it will independently analyze and draw conclusions.

They expressed disbelief that the investigation schedule was set up in consultation with China and was conducted privately.

It is a position that they cannot believe the announcement of the expert team that there is no evidence that the origin of Corona 19 is Wuhan.

[네드 프라이스 / 미국 국무부 대변인 : 코로나 바이러스가 (우한이 아닌) 다른 곳에서 시작됐다고 말할 사람은, 합리적인 사람 가운데는 없다고 생각합니다.]

The investigation by the WHO team of experts is virtually the hand of China.

The Wuhan Virus Research Institute denied the leak and admitted that low-temperature food could be a source of infection.

It was also announced that the animal that transmitted the coronavirus to humans may have come from abroad.

[피터 벤 엠바렉 / WHO 전문가팀 발표자 : 어떤 (숙주) 동물이든 아주 길고 복잡한 경로를 거쳐, 국경을 넘는 것까지 포함해, 화난 수산시장에 도달했을 것입니다.]

China did not respond to the possibility that experts would revisit Wuhan.

Instead, the US also called for an investigation, saying that the time of occurrence of the first confirmed case will precede the official announcement.

[왕원빈 / 중국 외교부 대변인 : 미국도 중국처럼 개방적이고 투명한 태도로 WHO 전문가들을 초청해 코로나19의 기원을 찾는 연구를 하기 바랍니다.]

Some Chinese government media have argued that Southeast Asia, close to China, should be investigated.

As the World Health Organization’s expert team’s visit to Wuhan in effect gave China an indulgence, there are also signs that the investigation into the origin of Corona 19 will be expanded to other countries.

This is Sungwoong Kang from YTN in Beijing.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
