[국제]Trump pressures Vice President Pence to “deny election certification”


One day ahead of a joint Senate-House meeting to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, President Donald Trump is pressing Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the results.

At the time of the Congress of the United States, tensions are rising as large-scale demonstrations by far-right groups are scheduled near the White House.

Let’s connect Washington and learn more. Correspondent Taewook Kang!

The vice president presides over the meeting as the senator, pressing him to refuse verification of the voting results, right?


President Trump posted a post on Twitter today from this point of view.

The vice president wrote that he had the power to veto the fraudulently chosen electoral group.

The day before, President Trump urged the role of Vice President Pence, saying that he was running in Georgia a day ahead of the Senate runoff vote, hoping to do it for us.

He said he wouldn’t like it if he didn’t do it.

This is based on a joint meeting of the House of Representatives, which checks the election results of each state tomorrow at this point of view and certifies the victory of Biden-elect.

This is because the vice president, who also serves as the chairman of the Senate, presides over the meeting, which means he has pressed Vice President Pence to reject the electoral vote.

In particular, President Trump had lunch with Vice President Pence today.

There are observations that even face-to-face pressure may have been achieved here.


You said a large-scale demonstration is scheduled for the Senate and House joint meeting?


‘Proud Voice’ is a white supremacist far-right group, and President Donald Trump’s avid supporter.

When the Senate and House joint meeting was held, they reported that they would hold a large-scale rally near the White House.

Because of this, all parts of Washington DC have entered traffic control from today.

Buildings are busy with plywood on the first floor windows and doors in preparation for violent protests.

Meanwhile, Washington DC police arrested Enrique Tario, the group’s representative, with a warrant issued a day ago for property damage.

The police explained that Tario was involved in a burning affair by removing the’Black Lives Are Precious’ banner attached to a church in December last year, and that it is investigating whether there is a possibility of hate crime.

In addition, he added that two felony charges were also applied when it was discovered that Tario possessed a device that allowed additional bullets to be loaded into the gun during the arrest process.

Although the representative was arrested, tensions are rising as far-right groups, including Proud Boys, are in a position to follow the plan for a massive protest against the victory of Biden-elect.

YTN Taewook Kang in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
