[국제]Trump investigation rushes… Manhattan prosecution secures tax payment data in a year and a half

Prosecutors’ investigation targeting former US President Donald Trump is on the verge.

New York City’s Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said on the 25th local time that it has been submitted by former President Trump’s accounting firm, Marthas USA, for eight years of tax payment data for former President Trump and related companies since 2011.

As soon as the Supreme Court decided that “you must submit your tax data to the prosecution,” the prosecution immediately executed a subpoena by the federal grand jury requesting tax data.

It has been a year and a half since the investigation began in August 2019 that the Manhattan District Prosecutor’s Office secured President Trump’s tax payment data.

The investigation began in connection with a suspicion that former President Trump delivered huge amounts of money for silence to two people, a former porn star and an adult magazine model, who claimed to have had an extramarital affair with him prior to the 2016 presidential election.

The US media reported that the investigation by the Manhattan District Prosecutors’ Office, initially contemplating the alleged violation of the Election Fund Act, has expanded to the Trump Group’s suspicion of tax evasion and financial and insurance fraud.

Michael Cohen, former President Trump’s personal attorney, told Congressional testimony that President Trump and his company artificially inflated or reduced the value of their assets in an attempt to obtain more bank loans or reduce taxes.

The investigation by the Manhattan District Prosecutors’ Office with the executives and employees of Deutsche Bank and insurance broker Aeon, who has been dealing with former President Trump for a long time, also suggests an expanded investigation.

However, former President Trump denies the allegations of the investigation, saying it is “the greatest political witch hunt in US history.”

It is also noteworthy that the tax data of former President Trump secured by the prosecution will be made public.

Former President Trump has repeatedly promised to disclose his tax details during the two elections, but he did not keep his promises until he retired, breaking the practice of past US presidents.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
