[국제]”Trump delivers intentions to North Korea’s US-North Korea summit in late 2017″


UN Deputy Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman said that during his visit to Pyongyang in late 2017, he delivered a secret message from US President Trump to North Korea that he would like to meet with Chairman Kim Jong-un.

British BBC documentary’Trump. Confronting the World’, he said he delivered this message at the request of President Trump.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


On December 5, 2017, UN Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman visited Pyongyang.

[제프리 펠트먼 / UN 사무차장 : (긴장 완화를) 이뤄낼 여러 아이디어를 제시했습니다. 그러나 한국이나 미국의 메시지를 전달하지는 않았습니다.]

However, Deputy Secretary General Feltman said on a BBC broadcast on the 20th local time that he delivered a secret message from former President Trump asking the North to hold a North American summit.

After North Korea invited Deputy Secretary-General Feltman in September 2017, UN Secretary-General Guterchs visited the White House to discuss the matter a few weeks later.

At this meeting, former President Trump said he had to go to Pyongyang and asked the North to tell the North that he was willing to sit face to face with Chairman Kim Jong-un.

Former President Trump called Chairman Kim’Rocketman’ and proposed a summit meeting just a month after the heightened war crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

Deputy Secretary General Feltman, who visited Pyongyang, said the message was delivered to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-ho at the time, but said he had not heard a response from Chairman Kim.

But a few months later, Chairman Kim told the South Korean side that he was ready to meet Trump, and security chief Eui-yong Eui flew to the United States to deliver the news, the BBC reported.

At the time, the White House National Security Adviser at the time of McMaster told the atmosphere that when Trump replied “good,” he was astonished that he almost fell off the chair.

I felt it would be better to put more pressure on North Korea, but he added that former President Trump did not hesitate to take the opportunity of the US-North Korea summit.

The first US-North Korea summit was held in Singapore in June 2018, half a year after the secret message was delivered to North Korea.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
