[국제]Three-finger necrotic amputation in Italy for COVID-19

An Italian old man infected with Corona 19 had his fingers died as a side effect of the infection, and three fingers were amputated.

According to Italian media on the 11th, an unknown 86-year-old Italian grandmother tested positive for coronavirus in a hospital in April of last year. Later, as a side effect of infection, necrosis occurred on the second, fourth, and fifth fingers of the grandmother’s right hand. Necrosis is a disease in which body tissues die and turn black when blood supply is cut off.

According to a report published in the medical journal’European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery’, the cause of necrosis of the grandmother’s finger was COVID-19 infection. The side effects of the infection resulted in blocking the flow of blood through the fingers and triggered necrosis. The medical team decided to have a finger amputated to prevent complications from worsening.

Grandmother is not the first to have had a body amputation surgery after suffering from Corona 19. In December of last year, Lee Mabbat, from Bournemouth, UK, had a blood clot in his leg due to a side effect of COVID-19 infection and had to amputate the leg.

In the first half of last year, medical staff witnessed a peculiar case of some corona 19 patients with blisters and purple lesions on their toes. Scientists have found that symptoms like this are often seen in people who have never experienced any other typical corona symptoms, such as coughing or fever.

It is not yet clear why Corona 19 causes inflammation in fingers or toes. Esther Freeman, a dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States, appeared on NBC’s Today, saying, “One hypothesis is that the virus can trigger inflammation and cause skin necrosis.” He added, “Corona 19 may cause blood vessels to clot and cause necrosis.”

Experts from the International Federation of Dermatological Associations and the American Academy of Dermatology argued that “within one to four weeks of infection, the toes may change color or develop swelling.” Most of these symptoms disappear within fifteen days, but in some cases they last for more than 4 months, with severe consequences that require amputation as in the previous case.

Experts say that inflammation of the fingers and toes and skin inflammation should be added to the official COVID-19 symptom list.
According to the Corona 19 Symptom Tracker App (ZOE Covid), about 9% of all patients infected with Corona 19 have a rash on their body, fingers, and toes.

Experts said, “Most patients have only mild skin irritation symptoms and will return to normal within a few weeks.”

YTN PLUS Reporter Jeong Yoon-joo
([email protected])

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