[국제]”The’two nuclear bags’ wandered around”…the unprecedented landscape sung by Trump

Significantly reduced presidential inauguration ceremony due to corona and safety concerns
Trump’s absence to attend the inauguration ceremony to operate two nuclear bags
Black women’s topic of’reciting celebrations’… The youngest ever reciter


On the day of President Biden’s inauguration, there was an unprecedented scene in which two nuclear bags that could command the launch of a nuclear missile by the United States were moving around at the same time.

The Korean security officer who guards and circling President Biden like a shadow is also being talked about.

Reporter Chae Moon-seok organized the inauguration ceremony.


Compared to the crowded appearance four years ago, this time the stars and stripes and flags filled the inauguration space.

This is because it has been reduced to Corona 19 and security issues.

On the day of inauguration, two nuclear bags capable of ordering the launch of nuclear missiles from the United States were in operation.

It is customary to be handed over before or after the inauguration ceremony. One followed President Trump to Florida and the other was placed at the inauguration hall of the Capitol.

It was owed by President Trump not attending the inauguration.

The person who caught the most attention at the inauguration was a 22-year-old black man who became a poet with a speech impairment. He is the youngest among all the reciting poets.

I recited a poem I completed on the night of the 6th night of the Congressional riots.

[어맨다 고먼 / 취임식 축시 낭송 : 민주주의는 주기적으로 지연될 수 있어도 결코 영원히 패배할 수 없습니다.]

Former President Bill Clinton could not escape the age of 75. It became a hot topic to sleep for a while during the inaugural address.

Netizens say “Bill, wake up!” And showed various reactions.

Who is the gray-haired old man who appeared at the inauguration hall, where everyone was dressed in suits, wearing hiking jumpers and fur gloves? 79-year-old Senator Bernie Sanders was interested in his casual appearance and even a satirical content contest on social media.

Especially for domestic viewers, attention was paid to the bodyguards near President Biden throughout the inauguration ceremony.

This bodyguard is Korean-born David Jo, and this time he became the new bodyguard.

This is Moonseok Chae, YTN.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
