[국제]The U.S. to build a day-to-day day against China…

White House spokesman, “Corona 19 Chinese origin theory must be clarified”
White House spokesman: “Huawei threatens security for US and allies”


The new administration of Biden of the United States is also in sharp confrontation with the Trump administration in terms of policy toward China.

This time, along with the investigation of the truth about the origin of Corona 19 in China, we are putting strong pressure on private companies in China.

Reporter Won-bae Kim reports.


White House spokesman Jen Saki said at a local time briefing on the 27th that the truth about the theory of corona 19’s origin in China must be investigated.

[젠 사키 / 백악관 대변인 : 중국 내 코로나19의 대유행 초기 진상을 반드시 규명해야 합니다. 우리는 강력하고 분명한 국제 조사를 지지합니다.]

White House spokesman Saki’s comments are interpreted as making it clear that the Biden administration, like its predecessor Trump administration, believes that the global pandemic of COVID-19 originated in China.

Former President Trump insisted on Chinese responsibility, calling Corona 19 a’Chinese virus’.

Accordingly, the conflict between the United States and China over the first outbreak of Corona 19 is expected to continue in the Biden administration.

Currently, a team of experts from the World Health Organization and WHO is dispatched to China to investigate the origin of Corona 19.

White House spokesman Saki also said communications equipment made by China’s Huawei poses a threat to the security of the United States and allies.

[젠 사키 / 백악관 대변인 : 화웨이 등 신뢰할 수 없는 공급업체들이 만든 통신장비가 미국과 동맹국들의 안보에 위협이 됩니다.]

Ensure that U.S. networks do not use equipment from untrusted suppliers, and allies will work together to protect their networks.

In addition, climate envoy John Kerry, who attended the briefing, discussed China’s theft of intellectual property rights and the South China Sea issue, and said none of those issues would ever be dealt with climate issues.

China’s responsibility is also interpreted in the sense that it will not link significant climate change issues with other issues of conflict between the US and China.

This is YTN Kim Won-bae.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
