[국제]The first cycle of the death of’Ri Won-ryang’, which was first announced to the world for Corona 19…


It has been just a year since the doctor’Won-Liang Li’, who was arrested by the authorities after notifying the world of the existence of the Corona 19 virus, which was spreading in Wuhan, China at the end of the last year, died of Corona 19.

The Chinese government denies the theory of the origin of Corona 19 in Wuhan and devalues ​​the role of’Lee Wen-Liang’, but is paying tribute to and commemorating the Wuhan citizens for his courage.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


Bouquets are placed in front of Wuhan Central Hospital in China.

It is a bouquet that citizens put in commemoration of the doctor Lee Won-ryang who died while working in this hospital a year ago.

Lee Won-ryang, who was an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital, posted on social media that a virus similar to SARS was spreading in Wuhan city in late December 2019, and for the first time informed the outside of the existence of Corona 19.

But Chinese authorities arrested him for spreading false information.

Lee Won-ryang, who was released after writing an admonition that he would not say this again, died at the age of 34 due to Corona 19 while healing corona 19 patients in the hospital.

[리 판 / 중국 우한 시민 : 리원량이 ‘내부 고발자’라는 것을 모두가 알고 있습니다. 그 말을 들을 자격이 있고, 바이러스를 세상에 알렸습니다.]

When the news of his death raged in criticism, the Chinese authorities, which had stepped into control of the media, belatedly awarded the title and medal of ‘Enthusiasm’.

However, the fact that announced the existence of Corona 19 was not put in the public report.

However, the Chinese are honoring his courage and dedication by leaving thousands of entries on his Weibo account that still remains.

[지 펭후이 / 중국 우한 시민 : 그의 업적을 인정해야 합니다. 더 공식적인 경의를 받아야 마땅합니다. 이미 지나간 일로 다루어서는 안됩니다.]

In Wuhan, China, a year after Won-Yang Lee informed the world of the existence of Corona 19, an investigation team of the World Health Organization and WHO is conducting an investigation to find clues to the origin of the pandemic.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
