[국제]The EU begins vaccination against Corona 19… medical staff and the elderly first


The European Union and EU countries have started vaccinating the corona19 vaccine, which has been approved on the 21st.

Vaccination began with corona19 medical staff and vulnerable elderly people.

Reporter Kim Jin-ho.


Corona 19 vaccination began on Sunday morning in Italy, which was hit hardest by the early coronavirus outbreak.

Medical staff from the hospital’s Lazaro Spalanzani in Rome, a major epidemic facility, are the first to receive the vaccination.

[클라우디아 알리베르니니 / 간호사 : 오늘 접종을 받은 것에 깊은 자부심과 책임감을 느낍니다. 우리 모두를 위한 작지만 근본적인 몸짓입니다.]

In Spain, a 96-year-old woman, who lives in a nursing home near the capital city of Madrid, became the first vaccinator.

In many countries, such as Austria and Romania, the elderly and medical staff became the first vaccinations.

In the Czech Republic, to reassure the public, the prime minister was born with the elderly as the first inoculation.

[안드레이 바비시 / 체코 총리 : EU에서 어제 도착한 백신은 우리가 다시 일상생활로 돌아갈 수 있게 해주는 희망입니다.]

An emergency vaccination operation took place over the dawn of Friday and Saturday for the simultaneous vaccinations of EU countries.

Pfizer’s vaccine, from its manufacturing plant in Belgium, was urgently delivered to 27 EU member states across continental Europe.

Countries have initiated official vaccinations on Sunday at the request of the EU Commission.

In some European Union countries, such as Germany, Hungary and Slovakia, vaccinations began a day earlier.

The first volume of vaccine delivered to each EU member state is being used as a vaccination for high-risk groups and medical staff.

The full-scale large-scale vaccination for the whole country will begin next month.

The European Medicines Agency, EMA, plans to review modders or vaccines already approved for use in the United States on January 6.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
