[국제]”The Biden government attempts to contact North Korea since mid-February…I haven’t gotten an answer yet”


Reuters reported that Joe Biden’s administration has attempted behind-the-scenes contact with North Korea through multiple channels since mid-February.

I will connect the International Department to find out more details. Reporter Chae Moon-seok!

It seems like the first time that the Biden administration has been in contact with North Korea.


Yes, it is.

Reuters reported, citing an anonymous senior U.S. official.

The official says there have been attempts to contact the North Korean government through a number of channels, including the North Korean delegation to the United Nations in New York since mid-last month.

In terms of multiple channels, it seems that there have been attempts to contact intelligence agencies in addition to the diplomatic field.

However, the official said it has not yet received any responses from North Korea.

Reuters reported that the North Korean delegation to the United Nations did not make any comments in this regard.

Reuters analyzed that the Biden administration has been cautious about publicly addressing it, saying it is undergoing a comprehensive policy review on its approach to North Korea.


This is a report from the time when the US Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense visit Korea this week, so it seems that the position of our government will also be reflected, right?


Yes, it is.

The biden administration’s position so far is to re-look at North Korea policy.

Although former President Trump had an unprecedented relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, he assesses that Trump’s policy toward North Korea has failed.

Therefore, the Biden administration is in the process of reviewing and reviewing the existing policies amid the question that the Trump administration’s policy toward North Korea has not prevented North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Blincoln worked with allies to pressure North Korea’s denuclearization, suggesting the possibility of further sanctions.

In this regard, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs Seong Kim said in a press briefing on the 12th local time that the Biden administration’s review of North Korea policy is expected to be completed within a few weeks.

Meanwhile, on the 17th this week, US Secretary of State Blincoln and Secretary of Defense Austin will visit Korea and hold so-called 2+2 talks with the Korean diplomatic and defense ministers.

It is expected that the biden administration’s review of North Korea policy by the Biden administration in that the position of the Korean government in relation to North Korea policy can be reflected.

This is Moon-Seok Chae, YTN from the International Department.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
