[국제]Suspicious visit to the Wuhan Virus Research Institute… the result is’black’


A team of experts from the World Health Organization visited the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, which is suspected of leaking the Corona 19 virus.

While the investigation is being conducted without an interim announcement, the Chinese government is raising voices from experts saying that other countries should also visit.

Correspondent Sungwoong Kang reports from Beijing.


The Wuhan Virus Research Institute was the place where the World Health Organization expert team arrived through the morning fog.

It is a place under suspicion that the virus being studied has leaked outside and led to the spread of Corona 19.

This is why it attracts the most attention along with Huanan Fish Market.

[피터 다작 / 미국 동물학자 (전문가팀 일원) : 연구소의 주요 인사들을 모두 만나서 필요한 모든 질문을 하기를 기대하고 있습니다.]

The question of the expert team seems to have focused on whether the coronavirus has leaked out.

In May of last year, then US President Donald Trump said he saw evidence of the leak.

There were even suspicions about making biological weapons here.

Regarding this, the deputy director of the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, Su Jeong-ri, has argued that this is not true.

Mr. Shi is a virus authority in China who revealed that the SARS virus originated from bats.

I also have experience working with Peter Prolific and an American zoologist who is a member of this expert team.

However, after a three-hour visit, the team of experts left the institute without any special mention.

As the investigation into Wuhan has peaked, the Chinese government is now pressing the United States.

[왕원빈 / 중국 외교부 대변인 : 미국도 과학적이고 협력적인 태도로 투명성을 유지하면서 WHO 전문가를 미국으로 초청해 코로나19 기원 규명 연구에 나서기 바랍니다.]

This investigation by the expert group is under control and is being conducted in a flash, and is pointed out as a limitation.

Most of the visit schedule is kept private, and there is no interim announcement.

While it is expected that it will take a considerable amount of time for the origin of Corona 19 to be revealed, China’s demand for a team of experts to go to the United States and some European countries is expected to increase.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
