[국제]Snowy Sahara desert, Saudi camels hit by snow…

Further “a flock of sheep walking on the snow in the Sahara Desert”
Saudi Arabia’s Asir falls below zero after 50 years
Maintain an average of 12℃ in January… Recently, it has dropped to -3℃


Abnormal climates are being detected all over the world, such as snow falling in the desert and temperatures dropping below freezing.

In a region in Saudi Arabia, temperatures have dropped below freezing for the first time in 50 years.

Reporter Yeojin Lee delivers.


A camel is standing in a snowy field covered in thick blankets.

The Daily Mail and The Sun reported on a camel from a region in Saudi Arabia.

Sheep are walking on shallow snow in the desert.

The snow fell in Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, and the Sahara Desert in Africa, which are famous for the heat of the year.

According to the Daily Mail, on the 14th, the temperature dropped to minus 2℃ in the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia on the 14th, and the desert and hills covered white with snow.

It has been 50 years since the temperature in this area has dropped below freezing.

Photographer Karim Buschetta shot white snow sparkling along the grains of sand in Algeria’s Ain Sepra region, known as the’gateway to the Sahara Desert’.

The area maintains an average of 12℃ even in the coldest January, but has recently dropped to -3℃.

In deserts, where the daily temperature difference is large, it is unusual for snow not to melt even in the middle of the day.

In Saudi Arabia and the Sahara Desert, these extremes have been recurring in recent years.

Because of this, the Daily Mail analyzed that desert regions are expected to turn into green fields in 15,000 years.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
