[국제]Shenyang, during declaration of’exhibition status’, bans 100,000 people from going out


As sporadic infections continue in China, in Shenyang, more than 100,000 people are blocked from going out and are banned from going out.

China is in full swing vaccination.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


An apartment complex in Shenyang City, the capital of Liaoning Province in northern China.

People in quarantine uniforms are guarding the entrance to control access.

Items delivered to you are also collected at the entrance and delivered to residents.

[장헝 (자원봉사자) / 랴오닝성 선양시 위훙구 : 우리가 사람을 지정해서 주민들에게 배달해 줄 것은 갖다 주고 남는 것은 분류해 뒀다가 나중에 줍니다.]

There are 100,000 people who are restricted from going out due to the management of the housing blockade in Shenyang.

Even with the declaration of quarantine war status, super-strong measures are continuing as the number of cumulative confirmed cases exceeds 20.

[아파트 주민 / 랴오닝성 선양시 위훙구 : 매일 다른 물건을 배달시키는데 음료수 같은 것은 정말 무거워요. 이걸 하나씩 집까지 들고 올라가야 합니다.]

However, sporadic infections in China continue.

There were also confirmed cases in Hebei, the metropolitan area, and Heilongjiang in the north.

China is in full swing vaccination to block re-proliferation in winter.

Following 10 provinces such as Guangdong and Sichuan, Beijing and Shandong have also officially started vaccination.

[백신 접종 직원 / 산둥성 탄룬 생태식품공사 : 1차로 접종을 했으니까 운이 좋은 거죠. 기분도 좀 설레고 안심도 됩니다.]

First of all, the vaccine is given once until the middle of this month, followed by another two to four weeks later.

Vaccination targets are high-risk groups such as low-temperature food workers and quarantine personnel, and the general public is excluded.

[옌추이팅 / 산둥성 탄청현 탄청위생원 부원장 : 발열이나 구토 또는 다른 알레르기 반응은 아직 없었고 이 백신은 전반적으로 좋은 편입니다.]

Chinese health authorities have limited vaccination ages from 18 to 59 years old.

Those under the age of 17 or over the age of 60 have not been vaccinated even for high-risk jobs.

In addition, even with vaccination, 100% prevention is difficult, and recommended to continue wearing a mask, washing hands, and keeping distance.

This is YTN Sungwoong Kang ([email protected]) from Beijing.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
