[국제]’Putin static’ Navalnier sentenced to 3 years and 6 months imprisonment… the US and Europe “infringe on human rights and call for release”


Russian opposition activist Alexey Navalni was sentenced to three years and six months in prison after returning home after receiving poisoning treatment in Germany.

In Europe, criticism of the violation of the rule of law and human rights has been raised, and the United States has warned of possible sanctions against Russia.

Reporter Jo Soo-hyun reports.


A trial to cancel Navalni’s probation judgment held in Moscow City Court on the 2nd local time.

The court ruled that the decision on probation for the alleged acquisition of illegal money or goods should be converted to a three-year and six-month sentence.

Navalni, who has already spent one year under house arrest, will serve the next two years and six months in prison.

Prior to the court sentence, Navalni made fun of Putin.

[알렉세이 나발니 / 러시아 야권 운동가 : ‘위대한 해방자’ 알렉산드르 2세, ‘현자’ 야로슬라프 1세와 함께 푸틴은 ‘속옷 독살자’로 역사에 기록될 것입니다.]

When news of Navalni’s imprisonment shift was announced, Western countries immediately criticized it.

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln issued a statement, expressed concern over the ruling of the imprisonment by Russian authorities and called for an unconditional release.

In particular, it warned of possible sanctions, saying it will work closely with allies and partners to hold Russia accountable.

French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted that the incident was “unacceptable infringement of fundamental rights.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also emphasized “the rule of law” in a statement and called for an end to the Russian authorities’ repression against Navalni and opposition officials.

As criticism from the international community followed, the Russian government dismissed it as interference in internal affairs and unnecessary criticism.

But in Russia, the aftermath is intensifying, with thousands of people on the streets and protests.

This is YTN Soohyun Cho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
