[국제]’Putin static’ Navalni sentenced to arrest on the 30th… US and EU “call for release

Navalni rehabilitation after falling due to poisonous symptoms in August last year
Germany “Navalni, evidence of Soviet’Nobichok’ poisoning”
Navalni exposes government corruption… “President Putin’s Static”


Russian opposition activist Putin’s static Navalni returned to Russia after five months, but was immediately arrested and arrested.

When the United States and the European Union urged the immediate release of Navalni, Russia refuted to respect international law.

Reporter Chae Moon-seok on the press.


Russian opposition activist Navalni, who was arrested upon returning from Germany, was sentenced by a Russian court to arrest for 30 days.

The trial, in the form of interrogation of the suspect before arrest, was held in the form of a business trip trial at the police station where Navalni was detained.

[나발니 / 러시아 야권 운동가 : 두려워 하지 말고 거리로 나가십시오. 나를 위해서가 아니라 당신과 당신의 미래를 위해서.]

Navalni was transferred to a hospital in Germany after being transferred to a hospital in Germany to recover after being killed by poison symptoms while on a domestic flight in August last year.

At the time, German authorities announced that Navalni had been addicted to a neurological agent developed for military use in the former Soviet Union, but the Russian government has denied involvement with the incident.

A former lawyer, Navalni has consistently exposed the corruption and corruption of Russian government figures, criticizing Putin as the head of a corrupt dictatorship.

The Russian correctional authorities recently filed a lawsuit in court to replace the three-year and six-month probation set in 2014 for embezzlement against Navalni.

The United States and the European Union immediately issued a statement calling for the release of Navalni.

[피터 스타노 /유럽연합 외교 담당 대변인 : 나발리의 즉각적인 석방을 요구합니다. 사법부의 정치화와 정적의 구금은 받아들일수 없습니다.]

Russia countered the demand for release from each country to respect international law and deal with its own issues.

Russia has arrested dozens of supporters who protested, demanding the release of Navalni, including near police stations.

This is Moonseok Chae, YTN.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
