[국제]Protesters from Myanmar’s Friendship Ministry appear…Clashes with citizens against the coup


The two protesters clashed yesterday as protesters condemning the Myanmar coup continued on the street.

Facebook and Instagram have decided to block accounts related to the Myanmar military and even ban advertising.

Reporter Kim Tae-hyun’s report.


Yesterday, protests on the streets of Myanmar for the 20th day followed.

Before protests against the military coup began, more than 1,000 friendly protesters appeared in downtown Yangon, the largest city.

They held a placard in support of the Supreme Military Administration, the National Administrative Council (SAC), and shouted slogans in support of the military.

Since the coup, supporters of the military have walked around the city by waving military flags, but this is the first time that they have staged a massive street demonstration.

Protesters from the military unit swear at the protesters against the coup, threw stones and slingshots.

Both sides fought and fought, and some citizens who opposed the coup were stabbed and wounded.

[우 자우 오 양곤 시민(목격자) : 사람들이 냄비와 프라이팬을 두들기며 항의할 때 그곳에서 장사를 하는 아내가 걱정돼서 달려갔어요. 그들(군부 지지자)은 나를 강제로 끌고 가서 흉기로 찌르려고 했어요. 쫓아와서 찔렀습니다.]

On social media, photos of the military and police opening a way for the pro-military demonstrators and neglecting citizens to be attacked have been uploaded one after another.

In the Tamwe area of ​​Yangon, military police fired while dissolving protesters.

Previously, Facebook and Instagram blocked accounts related to the Myanmar military and even banned ads.

[라파엘 프랑켈 / 페이스북 아태지역 신흥시장 책임자 : 오늘 우리는 ‘탓마도’로 알려진 미얀마 군부와 관련된 페이스북과 인스타그램 계정을 차단했고 광고도 함께 금지시켰습니다.]

Facebook, the world’s largest social media company, said it would continue to focus on the safety of the people of Myanmar, saying, “The account was blocked due to the fatal violence that occurred after the Myanmar coup.”

YTN Taehyun Kim[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
