[국제]Protesters’ family “Fight to the end”

During a protest against the military coup in Myanmar, the families of the protesters, who were in critical condition after being shot by the police, appealed to “Fight to the end against the military dictatorship.”

According to the local media’Irawadi’, Miyate Te Kaing’s older sister A, who was shot and in serious condition in Naepido, the capital city on the 9th, met with the media yesterday and told the situation at the time and the condition of her younger brother.

Mr. A said, “My brother and I weren’t in the middle of the street, we didn’t cross the police line, we didn’t do anything to the police,” he said. “The moment I tried to leave, my brother was shot and collapsed.”

Mr. A said, “I initially thought of it as a warning shot into the air, but only when I saw blood came out when I took off the helmet of my fallen brother, I knew I was shot.”

“I heard that my brother’s chances of recovery are only 5%,” she said. “I urge all citizens to continue fighting until the military dictatorship is eradicated.”

Reuters reported, “Kaiing, a grocery store employee, celebrated his 20th birthday today (11th), but he was fighting in the hospital with a gunshot wound in the head.”

Myanmar’s military government initiated a coup on the 1st of last year because there was a serious misconduct in the November general election, but the government did not properly investigate it.

Since the 6th, protests against the coup have been taking place in major cities in Myanmar for six days, and Myanmar’s military and police are known to have shot water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, as well as live ammunition in the process of dissolving the protesters.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
