[국제]Pouch “Ex-President Trump hopes to convince supporters to’vaccinate'”


Dr. Anthony Pouch, the U.S. government’s top infectious disease expert, said he hopes that former President Trump will convince supporters to get the corona shot.

He said in connection with the poll findings that Republican supporters are particularly willing to refuse vaccination.

This is a report by Park Sang-nam reporter.


Anthony Pouch, Director of the National Institute of Allergy-Epidemiology.

They appeared in major broadcast media on Sundays in local time, stressing that the spread of corona19 infected people is not yet the time to be relieved.

In an NBC News talk, the number of confirmed cases is declining, but he said he had to put up with his desire to say, “Everything is going well now.”

[앤서니 파우치 / 미 국립 알레르기·전염병연구소 소장 : 아직 끝난 게 아닙니다. 진정 국면에 있을 때에도 항상 급증 위험은 있습니다. 유럽에서 먼저 경험한 겁니다.]

He was particularly surprised by so many Republican supporters that they would not get the vaccine, he stressed that politics and health issues are completely separate.

[앤서니 파우치 / 미 국립 알레르기·전염병연구소 소장 : 그전부터 얘기했지만 말도 안되는 일입니다. 정치적 신념과 극히 상식적인 공중보건 문제는 분리해야 합니다.]

He said it would be very helpful if President Trump convinced his supporters to get the vaccine.

In a poll released by PBS, the public broadcaster of the United States, on the 11th, 49% of men who supported the Republican Party said they would not get the vaccine.

The Associated Press reported that President Trump recommended vaccination at a political meeting in Florida late last month.

However, he did not recently participate in the filming of a public service advertisement encouraging vaccination in which former presidents appeared.

In the meantime, CNN broadcast reported that there is a possibility that the number of confirmed cases will increase significantly as the number of travelers increases in the spring break season.

CNN reported on Friday that more than 1.3 million people had checked in at US airports, the highest since March 15 last year.

This is YTN Park Sang-nam.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
