[국제]Pfizer and Modena “Vaccine effectiveness unclear in South African mutation”

Pfizer, in less than a month, “Vaccine effect on South African mutation is unclear”
Modena publishes similar findings in the same medical journal
South Africa starts vaccinating Johnson & Johnson instead of AstraZeneca


Studies have shown that the Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has an unclear preventive effect against mutant viruses originating in South Africa.

Last month, Pfizer said that the South African mutation had little effect on it, but in less than a month, that changed.

As Modena produced similar results, all three major pharmaceutical vaccines following AstraZeneca became unclear in effectiveness against mutations in South Africa.

Reporter Yeojin Lee reports.


At the end of last month, Pfizer said its vaccine had little effect on the South African mutant virus.

They looked at the titers of vaccinators against the virus made from the South African mutation and said the reduction was less than doubled.

[필립 도미처 박사 / 화이자 수석 개발자 (지난달) : 이 핵심 변이에서 찾은 것은 변이가 있든 없든 혈청 면역력이 생긴 사람들의 바이러스를 활성화할 수 있는지에 기본적으로 아무런 차이가 없었다는 것입니다. 따라서 매우 안심이 되는 결과였습니다.]

But in less than a month, the findings of this study were upset.

Pfizer, in a joint experiment with the University of Texas Medical School, found that infection with a modified virus, such as the South African variant, reduced the level of protection of the antibody by two-thirds.

However, because there is no standard for how many antibodies are needed to neutralize the virus, it is argued that it is difficult to say that a reduction in antibodies by a third than before is not effective.

The results of the new study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which published similar findings in Modena in the same journal.

Just last month, it was a position that the company’s vaccine would be effective against mutations in South Africa, but on the 17th local time, the actual efficacy of the vaccine was not yet revealed, and a study resulted in a paper and stepped back.

Earlier, the AstraZeneca vaccine also showed only 10% prevention effect against the South African mutant virus, so South Africa introduced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine instead of AstraZeneca.

[살림 압둘 카림 / 남아공 코로나19 자문위원 (지난 8일) : 우리는 아스트라제네카 백신의 501Y.V2 (남아공 변이)에 대한 효능을 확신하지 못합니다. 아스트라제네카 백신 대신 존슨앤드존슨 백신을 접종할 것입니다.]

As all of the world’s top three pharmaceutical vaccines have been shown to be ineffective or unclear in South African mutations, concerns about the variant virus are increasing.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
