[국제]Pence rejects Trump’s deprivation of duty…U.S. Congress finally votes on impeachment


The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution calling for the Vice President to invoke the 25th Amendment to deprive President Trump of his duties.

However, Vice President Pence clarified his refusal position and eventually followed the procedure for an impeachment vote.

This is Lee Yeo-jin.


The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution urging Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to oust President Trump.

223 vs. 205. The Republican Party also voted in favor.

[헨리 쿠엘라 / 美 민주당 텍사스 하원의원 : 찬성 223대 반대 205로 결의안이 가결됐습니다.]

Article 25 of the Amendment is a regulation that allows the Vice President to act on behalf of the Vice President if it is determined that the President cannot perform his/her duties.

But in a letter to House Speaker Pelosi, Vice President Pence made the rejection clear.

As a result, President Trump was put on the impeachment trial as the Democratic Party announced.

The House of Representatives has formalized the position that the Democratic Party is a majority, so it will pass without a Republican vote, but four Republican lawmakers are in favor of impeachment.

[애덤 킨징어 / 미 공화당 하원의원 (지난 7일) : 대통령이 국민과 의회를 보호해야 할 의무를 저버렸을 뿐 아니라, 시위자들을 격분시켜 우리가 여기서 본 반란에 기름을 부었다는 사실이 명백해졌습니다.]

In particular, Liz Cheney, chairman of the Republican Congress, who is third in the Republican ranks and the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, who is influential in the Republican Party, said, “Trump summoned a mob to set fire to this attack.”

The White House also expects at least 12 Republican Congressmen to approve of the impeachment, the Washington Post reported.

If a vote on the House’s impeachment bill results in a rebellion of a scale that cannot be ignored within the Republican Party, it is predicted that the possibility of impeachment may increase in the aftermath of the Senate.

The New York Times says Republican Senate Mitch McConnell is pleased with the House’s impeachment move, saying it will be easier to get Trump out of the Republican Party.

The Republican leadership decided not to force a vote against the lawmakers this time, which is quite different from the first impeachment that strongly opposed it.

However, President McConnell said it would be difficult to complete the impeachment process during President Trump’s term, as he said he would not convene a lawmaker before the 19th.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
