[국제]Over 200 British quarantined escapes from Swiss ski resort

British tourists make up 21%, called’Little London’
More than 200 out of 420 British people in quarantine at resorts flee at night
On the 21st, Switzerland orders self-quarantine for ten days from England


Hundreds of British tourists who were ordered to be quarantined at a famous ski resort in Switzerland have fled and caught local authorities in an emergency.

About half of the 420 quarantined people, or about 200, have disappeared, but authorities are unable to determine where they are.

This is Lee Yeo-jin.


Verbier Ski Resort has been selected as the’Best Ski Resort in Switzerland’ for the past two years.

Verbier is also called’Little London’, attracting so many British visitors that every year they make up 21% of British tourists.

But last week, the ski resorts and local authorities had their worst time because of these very British tourists.

This is because about 200 of the 420 British tourists who were quarantined at the resort, about half of them, made a night escape.

[빈센트 떼오 / 베르비에 ‘라 로통드’ 호텔 매니저(지난 22일) : 호텔에 머물던 영국인들이 겁에 질리더라고요. 국경 봉쇄로 영국에 못 돌아갈까 봐 대부분이 즉시 떠났습니다. 일부는 남아서 자신의 방에서 자가격리에 들어갔지요.]

On the 21st, the Swiss government ordered self-quarantine for ten days for all entrants from the UK to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Local authorities explained that the majority of the quarantine subjects followed the instructions for a day or so and then ran away secretly.

Since flights between Switzerland and the UK have been canceled since the 20th, it is not clear where the missing tourists are, officials said.

Some were found in France, and others were known to have called the escaped lodgings and asked if they had to pay for them.

Neighboring countries, such as Germany, France, and Italy, postponed the opening of ski resorts to next year due to Corona 19, but Switzerland was also forced to open the ski resort due to economic problems.

[엘루와 로씨에 / 베르비에 스키 리조트를 관리 감독하는 바뉴 시장 (지난 1일) : 스키 자체가 바이러스 전파에 위험한 게 아니고 스키 이후의 활동과 관련돼 있습니다. 그래서 우리는 이런 위험을 최대한 줄이기 위해 엄격한 조치를 취했습니다.]

Despite the strict measures, the escape of British tourists was revealed only after the lodgings confirmed that they did not answer the phone and did not touch the meal.

In Switzerland, two cases of mutant COVID-19 infection from the UK have been reported.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
