[국제]On the first day of inauguration, the seven top priorities in state affairs such as Corona 19 and the economy are presented

Rapid action on climate change and emphasis on eco-friendly energy
End discrimination in medical access and education for racial equity
Promise to expand quality and affordable medical services and reform health insurance
Welcome immigrants and establish a fair and orderly immigration system


The newly opened Biden U.S. administration unveiled seven top priorities in state affairs.

Corona 19, climate change, racial discrimination, and the recovery of economic and global status are among the first to be addressed.

Reporter Yeojin Lee organized it.


On the first day of President Biden’s inauguration, the White House posted on the homepage of the White House seven ‘current state tasks for the Biden-Harris administration.

We emphasized the prompt and proactive response to the extent that we removed only the most urgent task, Corona 19, and mentioned countermeasures separately on other pages.

We promised to expand COVID-19 testing, normalize schools and businesses, and get effective and equitable vaccinations.

There is also a plan to establish a clear and consistent distancing policy based on science and to disclose clinical data for FDA-approved vaccines to the public.

Also noticeable is the policy to immediately restore relations with the World Health Organization to predict and prevent infectious disease threats, including threats from China.

Second, it emphasized rapid action on climate change and a green energy revolution.

In the case of racial equity, the task was to reform criminal justice and end discrimination in medical access and education.

[다나 클라크 / 미국 초등학교 사회 교사 : 흑인, 아시아인, 여성이 백악관에 있어요. 모든 사람을 위한 평등과 우리를 훌륭히 대표하죠. 우리가 필요로 하던 변화라고 생각합니다. 어두운 터널 끝의 빛이죠. 지난 4년간은…말이 안 나오죠. 놀라운 변화입니다.]

In the economic field, it suggested addressing economic inequality, providing remedies for Corona 19, and creating jobs by strengthening SMEs.

In the health sector, we promised to expand access to quality and affordable medical services and establish health insurance reform laws.

The White House also said it would welcome immigrants and create a fair and orderly immigration system to help them further contribute to the United States, saying it will reform the immigration system that has long been poorly functioning.

[리기아 구알파 / 미국 이민자 단체 ‘노동자 정의 프로젝트’ 전무 : 드디어 변화가 올 것 같네요. 지난 4년간 고통스러운 세월을 보낸 우리 모두 지금 희망을 품고 있습니다.]

Lastly, the goal of rebuilding the world’s democratic alliance and restoring the position of the United States in the international community by advocating for the values ​​and human rights of the United States was also one of the initial priorities.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
