[국제]North Korea may lift the border blockade between North Korea and China…People continue to be banned

Beijing source “expected to bring goods to North Korea before and after the sun day”
Japan Asahi “North-China border railroad bridge again in mid-month”
China’s Corona 19 situation continues to stabilize… Concerns about North Korea’s quarantine ↓
North Korea continues to strictly ban people from crossing the border between North Korea and China


Prospects continue to appear that North Korea will soon partially open the border between North Korea and China, which has been locked for over a year.

As economic isolation from the outside world grows, it appears to be the purpose of bringing in aid or essential supplies that have been postponed.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


North Korea’s open border theory continues, centered on traders in the border region of North Korea and China.

A North Korean source in Beijing also expected some supplies to go into North Korea sooner or later.

The Yalu River Bridge in Dandong can be opened around Sun Day on the 15th, which is President Kim Il-sung’s birthday.

Earlier, the Asahi Shimbun in Japan predicted that there is a possibility that trains will resume operation as early as the middle of this month.

They also reported that aid supplies such as rice, corn, soybean oil, and flour are already gathered in Dandong, the border city.

It seems that North Korea was in a hurry to bring in essential goods, including food, cut off due to the border blockade for more than a year.

The fact that China’s Corona 19 is relatively stable also weighs on the possibility of North Korea’s border opening.

However, since the Corona 19 situation is not over yet, it is likely to be limited even if the railroad is open.

If only a few passes are allowed and re-blocked, or if you continue to travel, the number of times is expected to be kept to a minimum.

North Korean sources say that even if supplies come in and out again, human traffic will be strictly prohibited.

The timing is flexible as neither the North Korean authorities have officially confirmed the theory of partial opening of the Dandong iron bridge.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
