[국제]Nobel laureate’Criticism of Ramsey’ joint statement…Korean Americans boycott Mitsubishi

‘Nobel Prize’ Professor Maskin also signed a criticism of Ramsay
‘Use of Game Theory’ Ramsey’s thesis loophole likely to emerge
Professor Alon Harrell visits the Berlin Comfort Women Award
American Korean group boycotts Mitsubishi products


Two American economists who won the Nobel Prize in Economics for’Game Theory’ issued a joint statement criticizing Professor Ramsey for justifying the recruitment of comfort women in the Japanese military using’Game Theory’.

Korean Americans started boycotting Mitsubishi products, which have supported Professor Ramsey.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


Two Nobel Prize-winning game theory masters Paul Millgram and Professor Alvin Ross of Harvard University jointly criticized Ramsayer.

In a statement, the two professors pointed out that “game theory cannot rationalize Professor Ramsey’s argument.”

He also emphasized that “Professor Ramsey’s historical interpretation will be judged by the evidence,” and “the evidence cannot be overturned with a simple game theory model.”

The two professors also introduced that they shared opinions on Professor Ramsey’s thesis.

He said, “It reminded me of Nazi’s denial of massacre of Jews. It was very painful.”

Earlier, Harvard Professor Eric Maskin, who won the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics for his game theory, also signed a criticism edition of Ramsayer.

As Nobel laureates in Economics are criticized one after another, the logical loopholes in Professor Ramsey’s thesis are likely to emerge.

In this paper, Professor Ramzier rationalized the Japanese military comfort women contract using game theory.

Meanwhile, Professor Alon Harrell, co-editor of an international journal, visited the Berlin Comfort Women Award in Germany.

It seems that Professor Ramsey’s dissertation that distorts the massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake has been shown to show his will to prevent it from being published in academic journals without modification.

Korean American organizations in California, USA, have been boycotting Japanese Mitsubishi products that have supported Professor Ramsey.

Korean-American groups have petitioned for a boycott on the international petition site.

Korean-American groups said, “Buying Mitsubishi products is like implicitly supporting Professor Ramsey’s ridiculous arguments.”

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
