[국제]New York City breaks contract with Trump Group… “Incite a civil war is a crime”


New York City in the United States has said it will terminate the contract for a city-owned facility commissioned by the Trump Group because President Trump was involved in illegal activities.

The intrusion to the Capitol on the 6th is hitting not only Trump’s political life, but also business.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


President Trump plays golf at a golf course in the Bronx, New York City, USA.

It is owned by New York City and operated by the Trump Group.

Trump’s name is on the verge of disappearing.

New York City said it will terminate the consignment contract under the terms of the contract, which states that if company management engages in illegal activity, the contract may be terminated.

[빌 더블라지오 / 미국 뉴욕시장 : 미국 의회가 합법적인 선거인단 투표수를 세고 있는 동안 미국 대통령이 폭도들에게 의회 공격을 지시했습니다.]

The place where New York City announced the breach of the contract was not only a golf course, but also two ice skating grounds and a merry-go-round in Central Park, a place that President Trump has been attached to since he was a real estate developer.

The Trump Group has earned 17 million dollars a year from these facilities and 18.6 billion won of our money, which is lost.

New York City expects the Trump Group to sue, but is confident of the victory.

In New York City, where President Trump has officially said he is his hometown, his name is being erased one by one.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
