[국제]Myanmar’s late-night battlefield…


Residents of Myanmar, resisting the military forces that caused the coup, broke the curfew and poured into the streets.

When the military and police launched a so-called “rabbit hare” operation to capture the protesters in Yangon, fired guns at night and created an atmosphere of horror, they came out to the streets at night and continued to express their resistance.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


The Sanchaung area of ​​Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar.

In the middle of the night, gunshots rang one after another, and flashes flashed through the buildings.

Myanmar’s military and police are firing threatening fire to disperse the residents who spilled into the streets in the middle of the night.

The reason that the residents broke the curfew and came to the streets is because of the so-called’protester rabbits’ by the military and police.

The military and police blocked all sides to capture 200 young protesters and narrowed the siege.

As protesters hid inside the building, they ran from house to house, creating an atmosphere of horror.

The unbearable residents went out one by one, asking for the release of the protesters.

As the inhabitants grew to thousands, the military and police fired tear gas and blind bullets and used violence indiscriminately.

They even destroyed parked vehicles.

The site where armed military police and residents confronted was reminiscent of an immediate battlefield.

On social media, the news that more than 50 protesters were arrested at the scene was delivered with a photo.

There was also a photo of a young girl crying and bleeding from tear gas.

When the news came, the US and British embassies in Myanmar called for the safe release of the protesters.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also demanded that all protesters be secure.

The protesters, who had been “rabbited,” were only able to get out of the block area with the help of the residents at dawn.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
