[국제]Myanmar military and police protesters also fired live ammunition…ASEAN demands release of shame and end of violence


AFP news agency reported that Myanmar military police fired live ammunition at the protesters again two days after the worst bloodshed in which at least 18 people were killed, the AFP news agency said.

ASEAN countries virtually broke the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and urged Myanmar’s military government to release politicians, including shame torture, and to end violence.

Reporter Lee Dong-heon.


Numerous Myanmar citizens have taken over the roads and protested against the coup.

Tear gas is sprayed indiscriminately over protesters who struck barricades, confronted the military and police, and held peaceful protests.

In an instant, the ranks collapsed, and the protesters retreated back to reorganize the line and continue confrontation.

However, as water cannons were sprayed over the protesters and soldiers and police embarked on an arrest operation, they were dragged away without force.

The camera also captured some soldiers aiming at fleeing protesters.

Foreign media reported that it is reminiscent of the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising and the Tiananmen democratization protests in China.

It is unclear whether the soldiers shot rubber or live ammunition.

However, the AFP news agency said three demonstrators were seriously injured when live ammunition was fired in the town of Kalay in northwestern Myanmar.

It’s been two days after the worst bloodshed last Sunday in which at least 18 people were killed in live ammunition by the military and police.

ASEAN countries, which held video conferences to resolve the Myanmar crisis, virtually broke the principle of non-interference in internal affairs and urged the Myanmar military government to release political prisoners such as shame torture and end violence.

[레트노 마르수디 / 인도네시아 외교장관 : 인도네시아는 미얀마 경찰이 최대한의 자제력을 발휘해 폭력적 힘의 사용을 억제할 것을 촉구합니다.]

However, the statement from the ASEAN chairman after the meeting presented only a principled position that urged all parties to refrain from violence and to resolve the situation peacefully through dialogue and reconciliation.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
