[국제]Mutation’collective infection’ from UK in German hospital…”Mutation is a new fire in the US pandemic

14 people infected with’British mutation’ at Berlin hospital in Germany
“It is estimated that dozens of hospital staff and patients are infected with mutation”
Variation from UK, spread to 22 US states… 195 infected
“Mutant virus may cause a surge in new patients in the US”


A hospital in Berlin, Germany, was confirmed to be infected with a mutant virus from the UK and the entire building was closed.

In the United States, there are warnings that a mutant virus could be a spark for a new pandemic.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Jo Soo-hyun!

Please tell us the situation of the outbreak in Berlin.


At Humboldt Hospital in Berlin, 14 employees and 14 patients have been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus from the UK.

Berlin health authorities shut down the entire hospital building and quarantine staff and patients.

Also, we temporarily stop receiving new patients, and emergency patients are being transferred to other hospitals.

It is estimated that dozens of hospital staff and patients have already been infected with the mutant virus.

Meanwhile, the first case of mutant infection from Brazil in Germany was also confirmed.

Local health officials say a mutation from Brazil was confirmed as a result of a gene amplification test on one citizen who traveled to Brazil and returned to Hesse, Germany.

In Germany, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases has been gradually falling due to strong containment measures, but concerns are growing that we should prepare for the spread of the mutant virus.


New cases of coronavirus confirmed in the United States are slowing down, but the spread of the mutant virus is unusual?


The CDC of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that so far, mutations originating in the UK have spread to 22 states, and the total number of infections has increased to 195.

In California, 72 people were diagnosed with mutations from the UK, followed by 50 in Florida and 22 in New York.

Along with this, local media reports that the mutant virus, first discovered in Denmark, is also spreading in northern California.

The Washington Post said, “Last year’s Christmas and New Year meetings appear to have avoided the worst corona spread scenario, but experts have warned that the new mutation could exacerbate the corona risk.”

The New York Times was also concerned that “a highly transmitted mutant virus could outpace vaccination rates and cause a surge in new patients.”

Experts say that it may be temporary that the curve of new coronavirus patients appears to be stagnating or going down, and to prevent the spread of mutations, they are emphasizing infection routes and vaccination.

This is Soo-Hyun Cho, YTN from the International Department.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
