[국제]More victims of bloody crackdown in Myanmar may be sentenced to 24 years in prison


Shortly after the UN Security Council issued a statement to condemn the military in Myanmar, the bloodshed continued as the military began to crack down.

The military is moving to prosecute advisor Aung San Suu Kyi for bribery, which could lead to prison terms for up to 24 years.

This is reporter Kim Won-bae.


This is the scene of a protest against the coup in Myanmar’s central Myanmar.

Protesters scrambled to find a place to hide when the police suddenly fired.

It is reported that at least 12 people were killed nationwide, with seven people killed in Miyaing alone on the 11th due to the firearms of the police.

After protesting and returning as a carcass, I couldn’t even see the face of my husband and wept.

[아예 미얏 쑤 / 희생자 부인 : 남편은 민주주의를 걱정했어요. 우리가 얻은 것은 남편이 목숨을 잃었다는 것입니다. 남편의 주검을 볼수 없어요.]

The ruthless violence of the military and police continues to be posted on sns such as Twitter.

Two people were seriously injured when a fast-running military police truck took over the motorcycle protesters.

The man, who is believed to be a Polish journalist, was captured by the military police while taking pictures, assaulted, and the pictures were taken.

When the UN Security Council issued a cryptic statement that did not even include sanctions warnings against the Myanmar military, the military and police began bloodshed.

Since 38 people died on the last 3 days, it recorded the largest death toll per day.

Myanmar’s military regime has asserted that advisor Aung San Suu Kyi received 600,000 dollars from the governor of Yangon, about 680 million won of illegal funds and 11.2 kg of gold from our money.

The shame torture has already been accused of violating the import and export laws, and if found guilty of bribery, he could face up to 24 years in prison.

Myanmar’s military accusations of bribery on shame tortures are interpreted with the intent to justify the coup and detention of shame tortures, and to block the possibility of a political resurgence of shame tortures.

This is YTN Kim Won-bae.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
