[국제]More than 25 million US cumulative confirmed cases… “Trump has no plans to distribute vaccines”

Over 25 million US cumulative confirmed cases… 1 out of 13 infections
Vaccination is delayed… “Trump, I have no plans to distribute the vaccine.”
US achieves 20 million vaccination year-end targets a month late


The cumulative number of corona 19 confirmed cases in the U.S. has exceeded 25 million.

Vaccination is the key for now, but President Biden went into the White House to look at it, and the Trump administration said there was no vaccine distribution plan.

Reporter Chae Moon-seok on the press.


As of the morning of the 24th local time, it was estimated that the cumulative number of corona19 confirmed cases in the U.S. exceeded 25 million.

About 1 in 13 Americans are infected.

It spread like this one year after the first infected person came out on January 20 last year.

Even so, vaccination is only slow.

It turns out that the Trump administration has not even established a vaccine distribution plan.

[론 클레인 / 백악관 비서실장 : 저희가 백악관에 들어와서 보니까 요양원과 병원외에 지역사회 일반인에게 백신을 배급하기 위한 절차는 존재하지 않았습니다.]

As a result, vaccination is being delayed due to a shortage of vaccines across the United States.

[캐러 크리스트 / 아리조나주 보건국장 : 우리는 하루에 만2천 명~만6천 명 접종 능력이 되는데, 하루에 6천 회 분량의 백신만 공급받고 있는 실정입니다.]

Vaccinations in the United States have only recently exceeded the 20 million doses, which were originally targeted by the end of the year.

Fortunately, the corona spread is somewhat slowing down.

The average number of infections per day in the last week was 170,000, which was significantly lower than 240,000 at the beginning of this month.

However, health experts in the United States are warning that the number of confirmed cases from the mutant virus could explode between February and March, as more people travel back soon after spring break.

This is Moonseok Chae from YTN.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
