[국제]Let’s make a’vaccine passport’ in China too?…Vaccine reliability is’variable’


Discussions have also begun in China to introduce a so-called’vaccine passport’ that exempts vaccinations from quarantine.

If done, it is likely to start with neighboring countries, but confidence in Chinese vaccines is still a variable.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


A vaccination center has been set up in Beijing’s Tsinghua University.

Students and staff are lining up to get the vaccine.

[칭화대학생 / 베이징 : 학교에서 일률적으로 신청을 했고, 원하는 시간을 선택해서 맞을 수 있습니다.]

Recently, I started vaccination for people over 60 years old, which had been delayed due to side effects concerns.

It appears to be trying to widen the subject to speed up the vaccination.

[양샤오밍 / 중국 제약사 시노팜 대표 : 18살 이상부터 60살 이상까지 포괄해서 모든 연령대에서 (백신을) 사용할 수 있습니다.]

China plans to raise the vaccination rate to 40% by June.

The Kanbyeon media predicted that the introduction of the so-called “vaccine passport” will also be discussed at the ‘yanghoe’ that opens this week.

First of all, proposals have been made to waive quarantine for those who have been vaccinated when traveling between China and Hong Kong.

If the vaccination rate increases, it is highly likely that China will promote the introduction of’vaccine passports’ to neighboring countries.

In China, it was even argued that travel restrictions with the United States could be lifted by August and September.

However, confidence in Chinese vaccines is still a variable.

In Hong Kong, a 63-year-old man who was vaccinated by China’s Sinobaek died in two days.

The fatalities are those with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and the association with the vaccine has not been established.

However, China has just started vaccinating people over the age of 60, creating anxiety.

The national goal of successfully hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics in February next year lies behind China’s rush to vaccination despite concerns.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
