South Korea and China have agreed to work toward a common goal of denuclearization and peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula.
The two countries agreed to hold high-level consultations in the fields of diplomacy and security within the first half of the year.
Correspondent Kang Seong-woong in Beijing reports the results of the meetings between Korea and China foreign ministers.
The Korean-Chinese foreign ministers met in Xiamen, China, greeted elbows and even shake hands.
The two countries affirmed that the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula and denuclearization for this is a common goal.
[정의용 / 외교부 장관 : 한중 양국은 한반도의 보다 항구적인 평화정착, 그리고 한반도의 완전한 비핵화라는 공동의 목표를 갖고 있습니다.]
To achieve both goals, our side has requested China’s constructive role, and China has pledged to cooperate.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi also made it clear the principle that the North Korean nuclear issue should be resolved through dialogue.
[왕이 / 중국 외교부장 : 중국은 한국과 함께 대화의 형식으로 한반도 문제의 정치적 해결 프로세스를 추진하고]
China, however, has signaled a check against pressure from the United States and its allies.
Korea, which is allied with the United States, also emphasized cooperation with China through multilateralism.
[왕이 / 중국 외교부장 : 유엔을 핵심으로 한 국제 체제와 다자주의를 함께 수호함으로써 양측의 공동의 이익을 넓히고 심화시켜 나가겠습니다.]
However, there was no difference in the position that both Korea and China should strengthen practical cooperation.
To this end, it was decided to hold high-level talks on diplomatic and security between Korea and China before June.
[정의용 / 외교부 장관 : 한중 간에 외교 안보 고위급 협의 2+2 회담을 조기에 개최하기로 했습니다.]
President Xi Jinping’s visit to Korea decided to discuss the schedule after the Corona 19 situation stabilized.
The Chinese side did not give a clear answer to the lifting of the so-called’Korean Wave restrictions’ that the Korean government has always raised.
In spite of the all-round confrontation between the United States and China, South Korea and China decided to expand exchanges and cooperation by broadening their consensus on major issues including the North Korean nuclear issue.
I’m Sungwoong Kang from YTN from Beijing.
[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]