[국제]Japanese academics refute Ramsay’s thesis for the first time


For the first time, a seminar by Japanese academia and civic groups was held, criticizing Professor Ramsey Harvard’s thesis for comfort women.

Participants sympathized with the fact that the situation sung by one of the low-level thesis served as an opportunity to inform the world of the comfort women issue, which has been paradoxically recognized as a problem between Japan and Korea.

Tokyo correspondent Lee Kyung-ah reports.


This is an official letter of the Japanese Army Ministry in 1938.

Recruitment of comfort women is controlled by the dispatched troops, and close cooperation with the military police and police is also required.

In the same year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications stated that the recruitment of comfort women must have permission.

Professor Yoshimi Chuo University, a leading authority on comfort women research, pointed out that Ramsay is ignoring the apparent involvement of the Japanese military.

[요시미 요시아키 / 일본 주오대 명예교수 “일본군과 정부가 위안부 제도라고 하는 성노예 제도를 만들어 유지 시켰다는 것을 무시하고 있습니다. 업자들은 주역이 아니고 군의 수족이 돼 군에 종속된 존재로 쓰였습니다.]

Prof. Rikkyo Onozawa criticized Rikkyo University’s professor, claiming that Japan’s “community system” and “comfort women system” are the same thing, and that it makes no sense to make a lot of money.

Even though the Gongchang system was also a de facto trafficking, he pointed out that wrapping it as if it were a free agent revealed his low human rights consciousness.

[오노자와 아카네 / 일본 릿쿄대 교수 : 자기한테 필요한 문헌 자료만 자의적으로 내세우고, 주장에 맞지 않은 자료는 무시하고 있습니다. 일본의 공창제와 위안부 제도에 대해 논하고 있다고 말할 수 없습니다.]

At the seminar, some pointed out that we should be wary of the goals of the right-wing forces that are spreading this thesis.

[후지나가 다케시 / 오사카산업대 교수 : 일본 정부와 역사 수정주의자들은 위안부의 존재를 일본 사회에서 지우고 사람들의 기억에서 말소시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있다고 생각합니다.]

Participants agreed that an extremely low-quality paper had the effect of informing English-speaking scholars and the media about the comfort women issue.

[차타니 사야카 / 싱가포르 국립대 교수 : 위안부 논쟁이나 위안부 부정론이 한일 간의 문제라는 인식이 영어권의 일본사 연구자들 사이에 있었는데 이게 자신의 일이 돼 버렸습니다. 이번 문제가 단번에 글로벌화 한 것입니다.]

This is the first time that a major academic organization recognized for authority in Japan, such as the Research Society of History, has held a seminar to publicly criticize Professor Ramsey’s thesis.

Participants who had previously requested to withdraw their thesis in an urgent statement said they would decide how to respond in the future after seeing the journal’s decision.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
