[국제]Japan “cannot accept compensation ruling”…expected to suffer from Korea-Japan relations


The Japanese government strongly protested that it could never accept the judgment of compensation for victims of comfort women.

The atmosphere of dialogue between Korea and Japan that continued after the inauguration of the Suga cabinet became inevitable again.

Japanese correspondent Lee Kyung-ah reports.


The Japanese government strongly opposed the decision to compensate for the comfort women, saying it had denied international law.

It breaks the principle that one country will not be tried as a party to a lawsuit in another country’s court.

[스가 요시히데 / 일본 총리 : 한국 정부에 국제법 위반을 시정하는 조치를 취할 것을 강하게 요구해 나갈 것입니다. 이런 판결이 나온 것을 일본으로서는 결코 받아들일 수 없습니다.]

He added that Japan has no intention of appealing the ruling because it cannot admit Korean jurisdiction.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also strongly protested with Ambassador Nam Kwan-pyo to Japan.

Japan reiterated its previous position that the comfort women issue was resolved through the Korea-Japan Claims Agreement in 1965 and the Comfort Women Agreement in 2015.

[남관표 / 주일 한국대사 : (일본 정부 입장을 들은 뒤) 이런 문제의 해결을 위해서는 무엇보다도 차분하고 절제된 양국 간의 대응이 필요하다는 점을 강조했습니다.]

In the case of the judgment of compensation for forced mobilization, a Japanese company was the defendant, but the Japanese government is taking the situation seriously in the sense that the ruling came against the Japanese government.

This is because if the liability is not fulfilled, it is legally possible to dispose of Japanese government assets.

Japanese media such as Kyodo News said it was an unprecedented ruling, and predicted that the relationship between Korea and Japan would be further severed.

[오쿠조노 히데키 / 시즈오카 현립대 교수 : 이번 판결에 따라 스가 총리가 한국과의 관계를 대국적 견지에서 진전시키기 위해 정치적 결단을 내리기에는 넘어야 할 장애물이 한층 더 높아진 상황입니다.]

After the inauguration of the Suga Cabinet in September last year, the atmosphere of dialogue has continued for a while, centering on the political spheres of the two countries, with National Intelligence Service Chief Park Ji-won and the Korea-Japan Congressional League visiting Japan one after another.

Not only the wave of the ruling, but also the corona and political issues of the two countries are woven into a situation where it is difficult to predict the future of Korea-Japan relations this year.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
