[국제]IOC begins promoting the Olympic Games in Beijing, with one year remaining instead of Tokyo

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been promoting the Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022 on its official website and social media. The Tokyo Summer Olympics, which are scheduled to be held in July, are unclear, and they started promoting the next Olympics.

As of the 10th, an image of snow on the Great Wall of China appears on the first screen of the IOC’s official website. “In commemorating the one year remaining until the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the IOC put athletes at the center of the milestone during this unprecedented period,” he added.

Olympic official Twitter and Facebook also featured the panda character, the Beijing Olympic mascot, as the main image. It started its promotion a year ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 4th next year.

Official social media also posted a series of promotional videos for the Beijing Olympics with various winter sports scenes and the opening ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

IOC begins promoting the Olympic Games in Beijing, with one year remaining instead of Tokyo

Photo Source = IOC official website main screen capture

The Tokyo Olympics, which were scheduled to be held last year, were postponed for one year due to the spread of Corona 19, but the prospect that it will be difficult to hold in July of this year is dominant.

In fact, in Japan, there are 1,000 new cases of Corona 19 per day. In this situation, in a telephone poll conducted by Japanese Kyodo News Agency for Japanese voters over the past 6-7 days, 47.1% of respondents said that the Tokyo Olympics should be reenacted. 35.2% said they should cancel the Tokyo Olympics.

YTN PLUS Reporter Ji-Young Moon ([email protected])

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
