[국제]’Infection’ Maritime Self-Defense Force’s leadership attends dinner party…

Chief of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Mak Ryo and Mak Ryo directors were confirmed on the 22nd
Simultaneous infection of the head of the Marine Self Defense Forces Crisis management’hole’ criticism
14 people gathered at a dinner party on the 16th before infection was confirmed


It was revealed that the head of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces, who was recently confirmed to be infected with Corona 19, attended a dinner party with about 10 people gathered.

Even high-ranking public officials who need to take the initiative are not guarding. Is the Japanese government’s words to refrain from meetings to prevent coronavirus really convincingly?

Tokyo correspondent Lee Gyeong-ah reports.


On the 22nd, it was known that the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces leader Yamamura Makoto and Nishi Makoto were infected with Corona 19.

Criticism was poured out that a hole in the crisis management had been opened when the high-ranking post, which was the chief of staff of our Navy, and the chief of staff who acted as deputy in case of emergency were infected together.

It was revealed that the two attended a dinner party with 14 members, including Marine Self Defense Force officers, on the 16th, before being confirmed.

[기시 노부스케 / 일본 방위성 장관 : 이 회식은 참가자 중 한 명이 이동하게 돼 송별회로 열리게 된 것이라고 보고를 받았습니다. 음주를 동반한 식사였지만 음주량은 건배 정도였다고 합니다.]

This is not the first time Japanese high-ranking officials have been inappropriately treated.

In recent years, Olympic Minister Hashimoto also participated in a drinking party drinking party, raising doubts.

Prime Minister Suga, who was in charge of countermeasures against the coronavirus, also apologized to the public after it was revealed that he had a dinner almost every evening this month.

[스가 요시히데 / 일본 총리 (지난 16일) : 국민 여러분의 오해를 부른 점에 대해서는 진지하게 반성하고 있습니다.]

In just two months since the end of October, when the cumulative number of corona patients in Japan exceeded 100,000, the number of infected people has exceeded 200,000.

In the midst of a terrifying spread, each local government is calling for a quiet end of the year.

[코이케 유리코 / 도쿄도지사 : 무엇보다 외출을 자제할 것, 물론 귀성도 포함돼 있습니다. 가족과 (연말연시) 집에 머물러 달라고 부탁 드리는 것입니다.]

The Japanese government plans to change related laws next month to punish businesses that do not cooperate with shortening operations at the National Assembly.

However, it seems urgent to follow the quarantine rules thoroughly, starting with public officials who must set an example before asking the public.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
