[국제]Indiscriminately fired after a fire at a Chinese factory… the worst catastrophe after the coup


In Yangon, Myanmar, large-scale arsons were followed by Chinese factories in Yangon, Myanmar, as reluctance to China, which is suspected of being the backbone of the Myanmar military, grew.

It is known that 59 people were killed in Yangon alone, as military and police fired indiscriminately after the arson.

The military has declared martial law in Yangon and Mandalay, but protesters continue to resist.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


Black smoke rises with flames from an industrial complex in Yangon, Myanmar.

It was a fire that was presumed to be arson in a Chinese clothing factory and fertilizer factory.

The windows were also broken by the stone.

The Chinese embassy said more than 30 factories were attacked by bullies and two Chinese were injured.

This happened amid growing anti-China sentiment as China is suspected of being the back ship of the Myanmar military.

After a flame soared at the Chinese factory, the Myanmar military police began firing indiscriminately.

Local media reported that more than 20 people were killed only in the area where Chinese factories were located.

He added that 59 people were killed in Yangon, including them, and over 70 people died nationwide.

It is the largest bloodshed after the coup.

As the protests intensified, the military declared martial law in Yangon and Mandalay.

Also, I cut off the internet on mobile phones across the country.

However, the protesters have not backed down despite the hard-line crackdown.

The day after the biggest bloodshed, protests continued in various places, causing another victim.

The civilian government, led by Suu Kyi’s adviser, is also confronting the military by calling for national resistance.

[만 윈 카잉 딴 / 미얀마 문민정부 부통령 대행 : 가장 어두운 순간이지만 새벽이 머지않았습니다. 지금이 바로 우리 시민들이 어두운 순간에 맞설 때입니다.]

It is known that the civil government is seeking cooperation with ethnic minority armed groups to counter the military.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
