[국제]”I was sexually harassed by Kuomo” 6th exposure…Investigation prosecutor is Korean lawyer Kim

Endless sexual scandal by the governor of New York, a leading presidential election
First disclosure in December of last year, which was discussed by the next attorney general
Cuomo “I don’t know any other arguments” in the 6th revelation
Republican and Democratic majority legislatures begin impeachment proceedings


The sixth woman revealed that she was sexually assaulted by Governor Cuomo, who once emerged as the Democratic Party’s next presidential candidate.

As demands for resignation from inside and outside the party are intensifying, Governor Cuomo’s political fate has fallen into the hands of a Korean attorney who was a former federal prosecutor.

Reporter Yeojin Lee reports.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the elder brother of CNN’s renowned anchor and who has been called the Corona 19 quarantine hero and has been regarded as the influential presidential election runner, is falling endlessly.

In December last year, when Governor Cuomo was mentioned as the first attorney general of the Biden administration, former aide Lindsay Boylen declared that he did not want the perpetrators of sexual violence as attorney general.

Governor Cuomo forced him to kiss him and made sexual jokes.

Since then, former aides such as Charlotte Bennett, Anna Reese, and Karen Hinton have repeatedly exposed the victims of sexual harassment, and Anna Rutch, the first person she met at the wedding reception, was also on the victim list.

Governor Cuomo apologized for pouring allegations, but made it clear that he was not willing to resign, saying there was no inappropriate physical contact.

[앤드루 쿠오모 / 미국 뉴욕주지사 (지난 3일)] : Now I know that I made people uncomfortable. It wasn’t that way. We sincerely apologize.]

Even after the apology, the ripples have not subsided.

Local media reported that another former aide, who was not named on the 9th local time, was called into the governor’s home late last year and allegedly had improper physical contact.

In response, Governor Cuomo denied the allegations, saying he was unaware of the other allegations.

[카를로스 멘차카 / 뉴욕시의회 의원 (지난 2일) : 쿠오모, 당장 사임하라. 우리 국민은 그걸 요구한다.]

Republican lawmakers have initiated impeachment proceedings against Governor Cuomo in the state legislature, and voices are growing within the Democratic Party to resign.

In the midst of this, Governor Cuomo’s political fate has fallen into the hands of a Korean lawyer who used to be a federal prosecutor.

Former New York District Prosecutor Jun-Kim, who was appointed as the head of the investigation of this case, predicted that he would thoroughly dig into the facts, saying, “This is a serious allegation that demands a thorough and fair investigation.”

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
