[국제]”I can’t breathe” indemnity 30.7 billion won


The family of George Floyd, a black man who was crushed and killed in the process of being arrested by a white policeman, has agreed to receive compensation from Minneapolis city authorities of more than 30.7 billion won.

It is the largest settlement amount for civil proceedings before the trial, and both the bereaved side and the city authorities emphasized that it has great significance for the advancement of racism and social justice.

This is reporter Kim Jeong-hoe.


“I can’t breathe.”

But the police’s throat continued.

Cardiopulmonary function ceased nine minutes later, and George Floyd eventually passed away.

And 10 months later.

The bereaved families have agreed to receive compensation from Minneapolis City authorities of $27 million, or approximately KRW 30.7 billion.

This is the result of a civil lawsuit settlement against the city.

Although it is the largest pre-trial civil proceeding settlement, the surviving lawyer emphasized that the lives of black people are also precious and that police brutality against people of color must be ended.

[벤자민 크럼프 / 유족 측 변호인 : 이번 합의는 단순히 2,700만 달러가 지급된다는 게 아니라 사회 정의, 정책 개혁, 경찰 개혁에 영향이 미친다는 의미입니다.]

The city authorities said the same thing.

[제이콥 프레이 / 미니애폴리스 시장 : 이번 합의는 인종에 대한 정의를 발전시키기 위한 모두의 노력과 지속적인 추진, 서로에 대한 헌신을 반영합니다.]

Of the settlement, $500,000 will be spent on installing Floyd memorial sculptures and murals at intersections in the southern region.

Earlier, the survivors filed a civil lawsuit against former policeman Derek Shobin and three other policemen who killed Minneapolis City and Floyd in July last year.

Police claimed that human rights were violated through physical repression, and the city had neglected excessive use of force and racism within the organization.

Apart from civil lawsuits, criminal trials are underway against police, including Derek Shobin, who was charged with the murder of Floyd.

The court recently appointed a total of six members in the jury selection process, but it is pointed out that unexpected results may be produced depending on the ethnic composition or disposition of the jury.

This is YTN Kim Jeong-hoe.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
