[국제]How the 46th presidential inauguration ceremony takes place…


The inauguration ceremony of the 46th President of the United States will be held on the 20th, the morning of the 21st, our time.

Biden-elect’s side is preparing for an inauguration event in the direction of maintaining the tradition as much as possible, but reducing the scale significantly in consideration of the corona crisis.

Reporter Cho Soo-hyun reports how it is held.


The inauguration of the 46th President of the United States takes place in the western front of the Capitol.

President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are sworn into office in front of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

In the following presidential inauguration speech, the theme of “America United” (“America United”) will highlight the message of unity and harmony.

Continuing, in tradition, the president and vice presidents and couples inspect military honor guards, escorted by them and moved to the White House.

However, this year, to prevent the spread of Corona 19, the existing parade will be omitted and replaced with a’virtual parade’ that is broadcast live across the country.

The focus will be on refraining from the festive atmosphere, honoring corona victims and emphasizing safety.

Another topic of this inauguration ceremony is security.

This is because there is concern about the’second violence’ after the invasion of parliament on the 6th.

[크리스 머피 / 코네티컷주 상원의원 (민주당) : 취임식이 다가오고 있는 만큼, 의회의사당 보호 조치와 관련해 통일성 있는 지시 체계가 필요합니다.]

The area around Congress will be sealed off with a state of emergency declared in the Washington DC area by the day of the inauguration.

Amid higher tension than ever, 15,000 military personnel will be deployed to the scene to prepare for an emergency.

YTN Jo Soo-hyun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
