[국제]High-intensity containment measures around the world…unprecedented gloomy Christmas

Pope to celebrate’Christmas Eve Mass’ at St. Peter’s Cathedral
About 100 people participated due to Corona 19… Reduced to 1/100 of the previous year
Greece enforces curfew after 10pm until the end of the year
Italy, blockade measures such as curfew and interregional travel ban


The world is having an unprecedented gloomy Christmas this year due to Corona 19.

The Christmas Eve Mass, presided by Pope Francis, was reduced to a level of one hundredth of the previous year, and proceeded quietly, and it is difficult to feel the atmosphere of Christmas in the previous year due to high-intensity blockades from around the world.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


The seats in front of the central altar in St. Peter’s Cathedral on Christmas Eve are empty.

Instead, on one side of the cathedral, Pope Francis held a Christmas Eve Mass with more than a hundred ordinary believers.

In previous years, 10,000 people, including ordinary believers, diplomatic missions, and clergy, participated, but this year, the number of attendees at Mass was reduced to 1/100 due to Corona 19.

In addition, the curfew was issued from 10 p.m., so it started at 7:30 p.m., two hours ahead.

At an hour-long Mass, Pope Francis emphasized the meaning of Christmas in Corona 19.

[프란치스코 / 교황 : 예수의 탄생은 우리를 매년 거듭나게 하고 모든 시련에 맞서는 데 필요한 힘을 그에게서 찾게 하는 새로움입니다.]

Police officers patrol the streets of Athens, Greece, lit up for Christmas, to prevent crowds from gathering.

A curfew was imposed after 10 p.m. until the end of the year, and the tradition of singing carols while children go from house to house on Christmas was also banned because of the risk of corona19 infection.

Italy also entered a strong blockade, including a ban on traffic at night and travel between regions for the Christmas holiday.

[다니엘라 투포니 / 슈퍼마켓 종업원 : 크리스마스에 홀로 있고 서로 떨어져 있으라고 합니다. 그러나 슈퍼마켓은 사람들로 붐빕니다. 공평하지 않습니다.]

In Germany, only two families or less were allowed to gather together to celebrate Christmas, and churches in the United States urged believers not to sing chants while wearing masks and humming during worship services.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
