[국제]Harvard University professor excommunicated thesis “Comfort women are not prostitutes, sex slaves”

Amid the continuing conflict between Japan and Korea over the issue of comfort women in the Japanese military, an excommunication is expected because an American scholar is planning to publish a thesis that defines Japanese military comfort women victims as’prostitutes’ in an academic journal.

According to the Japanese far-right Sankei Shimbun, a thesis by John Mark Ramsey, a Harvard Law School professor, containing the view that Japanese military comfort women existed as an extension of domestic prostitution recognized under government regulations at the time, is scheduled to be published next month. ‘(International Review of Law and Economics).

In his thesis, Professor Ramsey argued that both Korean and Japanese comfort women were certified prostitutes and were not’sex slaves’ who were kidnapped by Japan and forced to prostitute.

Ramsay’s view in his thesis contradicts the testimony of the victims of Japanese military comfort women and the’Kono Discourse’, one of the official Japanese government’s views on the Japanese military comfort women issue.

Ramsey spent his youth in Japan, and in 2018 received the Japanese government’s medal of’Rising Ilchi’, the third of the 6’Rising Ilchijang’.

Ramsay asked the recruiter to hire only women working as prostitutes as comfort women by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Japan at the time, and the police in the jurisdiction directly confirmed to the woman that the woman applied as her will, and asked the woman to return immediately after the contract expires. He stated in the paper that he was instructed to pass it on.

Ramsey argued that neither the Japanese government nor the Chosun Governor-General forced women into prostitution, nor did the Japanese military cooperate with unclean recruiters.

With the understanding of Professor Ramsey, the Sankei Shimbun released the thesis summary on the Internet, and the thesis abstract can be viewed on the thesis information site’Science Direct’.

Japan’s right-wing forces are expected to take the lead in denying Japan’s responsibility for the comfort women issue of the Japanese military, using the thesis of this American scholar, who even received a Japanese government medal, as a springboard.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
