[국제]FBI tracks woman trying to sell House Speaker’s laptop to Russia

The FBI is chasing a suspect who stole Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop.

In a statement filed with the Washington DC Federal District Court on the 17th, FBI Special Investigator Jonathan Lund, according to CNBC broadcasters, appointed Pennsylvania woman Riley Joon Williams as a suspect in the case of Pelosi’s laptop theft.

According to the affidavit, Williams’ old lover sent a tip to the FBI that “Williams tried to send Chairman Pelosi’s laptop to a friend in Russia.” Williams reportedly had plans to sell Pelosi’s laptop to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency.

Pelosi’s laptop was on the 6th, when far-rights supporting US President Donald Trump attacked the Capitol.
It has since disappeared. In response, Drew Hammill, deputy head of Congressman’s Office Pelosi, said, “It is true that the notebook has disappeared, but the notebook was only used for presentation purposes.”

A video taken during the riots reveals Williams heading to the office where the laptop is located and as if she was carrying a heavy luggage in her bag. According to the FBI, Williams’ appearance in the video is only a small part of the evidence found after the riots.

After visiting his home in Pennsylvania, the FBI announced that Williams had changed his phone number, deleted his social media account, and left the house. Williams’ mother stated that her daughter was recently interested in Trump and the far-right community, saying, “I packed my bag and went out for a few weeks and disappeared.”

YTN PLUS Reporter Jeong Yoon-joo
([email protected])

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