[국제]Even if I attend a meeting, I can’t speak?…Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party goes backwards

All three leaders of the Tokyo Olympics are’women’
Governor Koike, Chairman Hashimoto, Minister Marukawa
Participating in a’tour’ level meeting… Criticism of retrogression of’female participation’


With the excommunication of the’deprecation of women’ remarks, the chairman of the organizing committee of the Tokyo Olympics has been changed, and all of the leaders in charge of the Olympics in Japan have become women.

On the surface, it seems to have changed greatly, but the ruling Liberal Democratic Party is frowning upon its behavior against the challenge of the times of increasing women’s participation.

Tokyo correspondent Lee Kyung-ah reports.


Hashimoto’s new chairman was appointed after more than two weeks of confusion after the remarks of ‘deprecating women.’

Immediately after taking office, he announced at a press conference that he would increase the number of women in the organizing committee.

[하시모토 세이코 / 신임 도쿄올림픽 조직위원장 : 올림픽 조직위원회 내 여성 비율을 40%로 늘리고, 다양성과 조화를 확실히 앞세워서….]

With the inauguration of Chairman Hashimoto, all three leaders who will lead the Tokyo Olympics have become women.

Marukawa, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party’s House of Councilors appointed as the new Olympic Minister, and Governor Koike of Tokyo, the host city, are the main characters.

[도쿄 시민 : 일본에서는 여성이 대표직을 맡는 경우가 적은데 이번 일을 계기로 남성도 여성도 인식이 바뀌기를 기대합니다.]

Of the Suga cabinet ministers, there are only two women, and only one of the five main offices in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

LDP women’s lawmakers suggested expanding women’s participation in the wake of this excommunication.

However, the solution proposed by Secretary General Nikai fell far short of expectations.

He said he would consider having female lawmakers attend major meetings in the party, but he said he would not give him the right to speak or vote.

[니카이 도시히로 / 일본 자민당 간사장 : 당 간부회의, 총무회의 등에서 어떤 논의가 되는지 충분히 이해하는 것이 중요하기 때문에…]

Criticism is continuing whether attending meetings at the level of field trips can be viewed as expanding female participation.

[노조 모모코 / 여성 운동가 : 여성 기용을 늘리기 위한 전 단계로써 회의에 참석시키는 것도 아니고 이렇게 하는 것은 여성을 보여주기식 선전에 이용하는 것 같다는 생각이 듭니다.]

It was the citizens who went to the internet space to the streets saying that they would not be patient anymore, which led to the resignation of former Chairman Mori after the remarks of’deprecation of women.

Japan’s ruling party’s behavior, which is far below the level of citizens, confirms that there is a long way to go toward a gender equality society.

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
