[국제]European publishing company initiates investigation into dissertation for disparaging Korean-Japanese in Ramsey…”Serious matter”


Following criticism of Ramsay’s Harvard University’s thesis justifying discrimination between Koreans in Japan, a renowned European publisher who published the paper launched a formal investigation.

Depending on the results of the investigation, it seems that even the thesis cancellation may be considered.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


This is the homepage of the German publisher’Springer’.

There is a warning about Prof. Ramsay’s dissertation on’Fearing Koreans in Japan’ published in a European journal.

The publisher called for the attention of readers, saying, “There was a problem with the content of the paper.”

In addition, he said, “After hearing the clarifications of the relevant people and the investigation is complete, appropriate measures will be taken.”

The thesis in question describes the Koreans who went to Japan during the Japanese colonial period as low-ranking workers who could not read and calculate.

In addition, the Koreans are justifying discrimination against Koreans, claiming that Japanese companies were reluctant to hire them because they did not have the skills and skills.

Jin-hee Lee, a professor in the Department of History at Eastern Illinois State University, first raised the issue in this paper.

It distorted history and criticized it for having a racist view.

In addition, it was a failure point for an academic paper on the subject of history, and asked the publisher to correct it.

Then, as many scholars from all over the world joined the criticism procession, the publishers also changed their attitude.

“We are taking this issue very seriously,” he promised, “we will investigate quickly in accordance with the publication ethics committee guidelines.”

This homepage warning and the start of the investigation are follow-up measures.

As the publisher initiates the investigation, if Professor Ramsey’s thesis distorts the historical facts and is found to be unfounded, it is expected that even the cancellation of the thesis will be considered.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
