[국제]Europe, which speeds up vaccination, promotes blockade relief from March


Major European countries that are rapidly vaccinating their citizens with the Corona 19 vaccine are preparing plans to ease the blockade, allowing them to attend schools at different levels starting next month.

Studies have shown that the chances of being hospitalized 4 weeks after vaccination have dropped by up to 94%.

Reporter Kang Seong-ok reports.


In England, UK, the blockade of COVID-19 will be phased out from next month.

All students attend school on March 8th, and outdoor sports such as soccer, golf and tennis are permitted from the 29th.

The resumption of outdoor activities is set on the 29th when the school enters Easter break.

In Scotland, students in the lower grades of elementary school began school on the 22nd local time.

Germany has also started working on a plan to ease the phased lockdown in three areas: private meetings, schools and restaurants.

When British Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled a roadmap to lift the four-phase blockade, he pointed out that the virus is mutant.

[보리스 존슨 / 영국총리 : 변이 바이러스를 억제하기 위해 지역적 차원에서 다시 규제조치를 취해야 할지도 모른다는 사실이 걱정됩니다.]

Blockade mitigation measures in European countries are based on the effectiveness of vaccination.

Research has also found that the risk of hospitalization decreased by about 90% four weeks after receiving the Corona 19 vaccine.

A study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland found that four weeks after vaccinating Pfizer and AstraZeneca, the risk of hospitalization fell by 85% and 94%, respectively, the BBC reported.

Those over the age of 80 decreased by 81%.

Professor Aziz Sheikh, a leading researcher, said, “It’s still early data, but I’ve heard both vaccines very well. It’s a reason to be optimistic about the future.”

This is YTN Kang Seong-ok.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
