[국제]Europe to allow AstraZeneca vaccine to be vaccinated for the elderly one after another

Germany approves AstraZeneca vaccine for seniors aged 65 and over
Sweden and Austria expand targets 65 years of age or older
Belgium and Hungary also allow AstraZeneca vaccine to be vaccinated by the elderly


European countries that had withheld AstraZeneca vaccine vaccination for the elderly have changed their policy one after another to allow vaccination for the elderly.

Recent research findings that the AstraZeneca vaccine has a great effect on the elderly appear to have had an impact, and it is expected that more countries will allow vaccinations for the elderly in the future.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


Germany, the first to question the effectiveness of AstraZeneca vaccine inoculation for the elderly,

However, we have recently changed our policy.

They approved vaccinations for seniors aged 65 and over.

[앙겔라 메르켈 / 독일 총리 : 백신접종위원회가 고령층의 아스트라제네카 백신 접종을 승인했습니다. 최근의 연구들은 (고령층 접종 효과를 입증하는) 증거들을 제시했습니다.]

The Swedish and Austrian frequency AstraZeneca vaccination targets have been expanded to over 65 years of age.

Belgium also allows vaccinations for people over 55 years of age and Hungary for over 60 years of age.

Earlier, France also expanded the target of AstraZeneca vaccination to the age of 74.

The reason why European countries have allowed these vaccinations for older people is due to the results of recent studies.

Researchers at the University of Bristol in the UK have published a study showing that the AstraZeneca vaccine is more than 80% effective in preventing severe severity in the elderly and high-risk groups.

The UK’s Health Department also released a survey that showed that the elderly who received the AstraZeneca vaccine once had a great preventive effect 3 to 4 weeks later.

[맷 행콕 / 영국 보건장관 : 아스트라제네카나 화이자 백신의 한 차례 접종만으로도 70대의 입원 건수가 80% 이상 줄 정도로 중증 예방 효과가 있었습니다.]

As European countries, which were the most negative for AstraZeneca vaccine, change their policies one after another, other countries that were hesitant to vaccination for the elderly are likely to join the ranks of vaccination approval.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
